Ha Ling Trail | Canmore Kananaskis

Ha Ling Trail

  • Mountains
  • Walking And Hiking Trails

Ha Ling Peak, Canmore’s most hiked mountain, is steeped in myth. As the story goes, in 1896, Ha Ling, a Chinese cook in the Oskaloosa Hotel at Mineside in Canmore, was the first to the top after taking on a $50 bet. Unfortunately, he wasn’t believed upon his return (by lunchtime!) and the small flag he planted at the summit could not be seen from town. He went back up the very next day with witnesses in tow and a bigger flag. It is possible that he wasn’t climbing it in friendly competition but rather to honour a cultural tradition, or maybe it was both. Either way, it was a special feat.

Today, Ha Ling Peak is within reach of beginner hikers and athletes testing their limits.

The trail is maintained for the 3.5 km to the saddle, with the final 400 m of distance and 103 m of elevation to the peak on an unmaintained trail, which traverses through loose, rocky terrain.

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